<aside> 💡 Tip: While Collectr does not require you to register using your email to use the app, it’s highly recommended to ensure that no data is lost. Additionally, you’ll be able to load your portfolio on any device using the same account!


Registration / Login

Registering or logging in is extremely simple on Collectr!

Simply head over to the Profile tab, and click on the button that says “Login or Register”. Once you click the button, you’ll have several login options to choose from. It’s as simple as that!




Collectr has several settings that allow you to control the look and feel of the app, such as Grid View and Dark Mode. Toggling those on/off will change the aesthetics and theme of the app.

Additionally, you’ll have the ability to enable or disable your unique Portfolio Sharing web URL. As well as, the ability to toggle on/off notifications.

💡Tip: Enabling your notifications will allow you to receive updates about your portfolio or when new features are enabled on your account!

